10/19/23 - Chronic Illness and Mental Health 3 CE
Please join us on October 19, 2023 from 9am - 12pm. This is a 3 CE course.
Join us in welcoming Tamicka Monson MA, MS, LPC to Cornerstones of Care for this 3 CE opportunity.
Are you or someone that you work with chronically ill and chronically hopeless? This training dives into topics that further complicate chronic illness, including weight stigma, socioeconomic barriers, and race disparities. Attendees will explore the history of healthcare within oppressive systems from a licensed professional counselor's lens and how the history and current practices impact mental health. In addition, attendees will learn the various resources and tools to aid clients with chronic illnesses in their mental health journey.
Tamicka Monson MA, MS, LPC
Chronic Illness and Mental Health